Thursday, August 31, 2006

There and Back on a Bus

I was wandering in the world-wide ether this afternoon when I came across this from one of those excellent people from the Radio 1 Breakfast Show (thanks Dom).

Buses are strange. Some of my most bizarre (and shocking) experiences have happened on a bus;

  • the girl who sat next to me and burst into tears (I hope it wasn't me), who repeated this at least twice more over the proceeding the months;
  • the chap who got onto a bus to have a violent argument with someone who wasn't there;
  • the individual who entertained his small child with a lighted cigarette-lighter inches from the child's face;
  • the mother who was helping her child learn how to spell expletives ('Mummy, how do you spell *@%$* ?' 'Well dear, its spelt *@%$*')
Now while I think buses are a very Eco-friendly way to travel and they allow people who can't get to places, get to them with relative ease; they can be disturbing places!
When I was a regular bus user I ended up arming myself with some tunes and a good read...the best plan of action was to immerse myself in my own world.

I'm sure I added to someone else's bizarre experiences for my unexpected laughter while reading a funny scene or my random toe tapping....oh well


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