Thursday, August 31, 2006

There and Back on a Bus

I was wandering in the world-wide ether this afternoon when I came across this from one of those excellent people from the Radio 1 Breakfast Show (thanks Dom).

Buses are strange. Some of my most bizarre (and shocking) experiences have happened on a bus;

  • the girl who sat next to me and burst into tears (I hope it wasn't me), who repeated this at least twice more over the proceeding the months;
  • the chap who got onto a bus to have a violent argument with someone who wasn't there;
  • the individual who entertained his small child with a lighted cigarette-lighter inches from the child's face;
  • the mother who was helping her child learn how to spell expletives ('Mummy, how do you spell *@%$* ?' 'Well dear, its spelt *@%$*')
Now while I think buses are a very Eco-friendly way to travel and they allow people who can't get to places, get to them with relative ease; they can be disturbing places!
When I was a regular bus user I ended up arming myself with some tunes and a good read...the best plan of action was to immerse myself in my own world.

I'm sure I added to someone else's bizarre experiences for my unexpected laughter while reading a funny scene or my random toe tapping....oh well


Wednesday, August 30, 2006



Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Isn't Nature Great

I was on holiday a few weeks ago in the Lake District and while enjoying my time away from work I went a bit trigger happy with my camera.

Looking thru all my snaps, I have just realised how amazing nature can be!

Thought I would share the picture, above, taken around a lake called Buttermere.

Areas of beauty are rare indeed and I hope we can treasure all the wonderful sites around our excellent world.


Thursday, August 24, 2006

My Favourite Author

Its probably no surprise to you (based on the name of my blog) that my all time favourite author is Mr J.R.R Tolkien.

His excellent novels rescued me from a desolate existence and opened up new worlds and fantastic ideas.

Warning! Warning! LiS Flashback
Warning! Warning!

In my early teens I was going through a period of time where I hated to read books, the only things that I would consider were was getting bleak when I thought I had reached my literary peak with 'The Dandy'!!!
One day I was given a comic book called 'The Hobbit'; it didn't have any cow pies or such stuff but it had Dwarves and Wizards and Hobbits, I was hooked I think I read it in about 3-4hrs without stopping.
Once I had finished I was left wanting more....and then I found that it wasn't originally a comic (thanks David Wenzel) but it was an actual real-life book. I badgered my parents to get me the book and I was saved.....

Warning! Warning! LiS Flashback
Warning! Warning!

I went on to read all the fiction that he wrote (then went onto read all the stuff that his son wrote about what his father wrote) but more importantly my passion for reading was thanks Mr T!



Who is your favourite author and why? Let me know :)

I Want More Exposure

Technorati Profile

This is my lame attempt to get a few more viewers - but only briefly.


Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Um...Australia foundations...English speaking People???

Warning! - Warning! 'LiS Left wing hippy rant' Warning! - Warning!

Before I start I just want to say I think Australia is a great place, even more so as it is so multicultural. I have family over there who have friends from every possible walk of life. This is not a dig at Australia or its people but the use of inaccurate or misleading 'facts'.

There is a post circulating in the world-wide ether that is titled 'Three Cheers for Australia', which looks like the usually response to the unsettled times we all live in by people who feel threatened.

This time it seems to be the right wing fraternity who are voicing off and are using recent events and the political views and statements in Australia to make their opinions felt.

Now while I don't agree with the values of the poster, I believe everyone is entitled to their view. However, I think that if they want to use historical facts in their arguments - they should get them right.
In the middle of this post the writer states:

This idea of Australia being a multicultural community has served only
to dilute our sovereignty and our national identity. As Australians, we
have our own culture, our own society, our own language and our own

This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials
and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom. We
speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,
Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part
of our society, Learn the language!

Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right
wing, political push but a fact because Christian men and women, on Christian
principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented.

Now I'm not an Australian (Sorry I'm a Limey) but at School in the UK we were taught that before the Europeans who founded the Australian nation there was a bunch of people (who were unlikely to speak English or be Christians) living there already.
I'm sure the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (who having been living in Australia for a few years before an Christan men and women) would be miffed to know that they had no part in the formation of the Australian nation.

Okay end of rant - sorry for going off on one.....

.....wanders off to find a quiet darkened room.....


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Vkliw Soxv Wkuhh

Frghv duh euloo!!!

L zdv wdonlqj wr d iulhqg dqg kh vdlg wkdw wklv zrxog pdnh d surshu udqgrp srvw ~ zkdw gr brx wklqn????


Sunday, August 20, 2006

Black Sheep of the Family

I always thought I was the funny (as in ha-ha) member of my family but it turns out that in a recent survey that the dubious honour goes to my sister.

Now with my familial position in tatters I guess that like my four legged friend above I must be the black sheep of the family....but I hope that I'm more Machiavellian than this chappy....

...wanders off to plot world conquest...


Saturday, August 19, 2006

Bit scary but here goes.......

.......thought it was about time I started some general ramblings and post them up for all to see and since I have had a week off work (and away from my computer) I thought I would start today....

....over the next few weeks I will probably bore you all senseless but I hope some of my ravings will apeal.

Speak to you soon